Individual Living Options Brisbane

The NDIS aims to offer adaptable funding choices to empower people with disabilities to lead more independent lives with freedom and autonomy.

The central focus of ILOs is to provide assistance in exploring alternative and personalized living options, promoting participants’ right to:

  1. Choose their preferred place of residence.
  2. Decide with whom they wish to live.
  3. Determine the manner in which they want to live.

At Wisdom Care, we can guide and support you in exploring various options and possibilities, including:

  • Independent Living – Assisted by a combination of informal and paid supports.
  • Host Arrangements – Living with a supportive host member in their home.
  • Co-resident Support – A support worker living with a person needing support, offering free or subsidized rent while providing assistance.
  • Living Together with a Friend – Sharing accommodation with a friend, with or without a disability.
  • Shared Living – Multiple NDIS participants living together, sharing support and living costs.

How Are We Different?

At Wisdom Care, our primary focus is on empowering participants to explore diverse and independent living options, distinct from traditional accommodation models like group homes. We firmly believe in promoting choice and control, ensuring that individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to explore a wide range of home and living alternatives.

Moreover, we have cultivated strong partnerships with specialized property agents who understand the importance of inclusivity for people with disabilities. These agents recognize the advantages of long-term tenancy and quality housing for this demographic.

Our collaborations with these agents have enabled numerous participants to secure high-quality housing options and personalized support successfully.

How Can We Help You With Individual Living Options?

At Wisdom Care, we will guide you through discovering “what a home means to you,” assisting you in designing your future living arrangement based on your goals and support requirements.

During the design process, we will help you explore your informal supports, the circle of supports, and an array of home and living options.

Our experienced support facilitators have already aided many participants in exploring flexible living arrangements and connecting individuals with the private rental market and other housing support services to identify the perfect housing option for you.

To learn more, get in touch with Wisdom Care and request a meeting with one of our ILO Support Facilitators.

About us

At Wisdom Care, we pride ourselves in helping you implement your NDIS plan: by providing tailored services, experienced support workers and connecting you to suitable Allied health professionals.