Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)

We offer exceptional Medium-Term Accommodation (MTA) services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Our MTA program provides individuals with disabilities with a supportive and stable living arrangement for an extended duration.

With a focus on promoting independence, skill development, and personal growth, our MTA services serve as a crucial bridge toward long-term independent living.

What is Medium Term Accommodation?

In late 2021 National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia offered Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) as one of its support options.

MTA is designed to provide temporary accommodation and support for NDIS participants who require assistance for a medium-term period due to specific circumstances.

Medium Term Accommodation is typically utilized in situations where the participant’s support needs have changed, and their usual accommodation arrangements are temporarily unsuitable or unavailable.

This service may be used for the purposes of:

  • Provide a supportive and stable living arrangement for individuals with disabilities.
  • Promote independence and enhance participants’ life skills and self-confidence.
  • Facilitate a smooth transition towards long-term independent living.
  • Foster social inclusion and community integration for participants.
  • Offer individualized support plans tailored to the unique needs and goals of each participant.

Benefits of Medium-Term Accommodation

Choosing MTA under the NDIS offers individuals with disabilities a multitude of benefits.

  1. Stable and Supportive Living Arrangement: Experience a secure and nurturing environment that promotes well-being and personal growth.
  2. Enhanced Independence and Life Skills: Develop essential life skills, gain confidence, and work towards greater self-reliance.
  3. Smooth Transition to Independent Living: Seamlessly bridge the gap between short-term stays and long-term independent living arrangements.
  4. Social Inclusion and Community Integration: Engage in social activities, form meaningful connections, and access community resources.
  5. Individualized Support Tailored to Your Needs: Receive personalized support plans designed to meet your unique goals and requirements.

MTA services offered under the NDIS are designed to support individuals with disabilities on their journey toward independence and stability.

With our individualized support, focus on skill development and commitment to community integration, we provide a bridge toward long-term independent living.

Please Note:

MTA is time-limited support, and its duration varies depending on the individual’s circumstances and needs. Wisdom Care will work closely with the participant and their support network to determine the appropriate length of stay and develop a plan to transition to more permanent accommodation solutions if required.

Contact Us

At Wisdom Care, we are passionate about empowering our participants, fostering personal growth, and promoting social inclusion.

For more information or to request a free consultation, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team today.

About us

At Wisdom Care, we pride ourselves in helping you implement your NDIS plan: by providing tailored services, experienced support workers and connecting you to suitable Allied health professionals.